Saturday, July 10, 2010


So.. it’s Raining again

much the extremes!!

I go out, glance, no hopes

questions in mind, a lot of fear, and quite rows!

Do I know you… the winds and the tears?

No, afraid not, you intimidate me.

Different, much the extremes!

Those drops were sweet, the fragrance warm

The clouds were kind, and so at peace.

The king was strong, and a flame so brave

So many doors .. and all the keys!

But you are different

much the extremes!

You have a blaze that fires the drops

The face still nice but so a fraud

Yes you shower damn as much

but the venom that’s in my throat!

They showed me colours, the love abreast

I smiled and played, no conquests.

Went to hug and they embraced

And we were One, none was left!

But you are different

much the extremes!

I hug, you push.

I come, you run.

I love, you make hate.

I try live, you make numb!

Questions in mind, a lot of them.

Do I love you, does it sustain?

Am I at peace… is it the roaring calm?

Who are you I want to know.

But more than that, I want you to go.

I want the Clouds, the Rains, the Winds

But all I feel is a thousand piercing pins!

Is this your way Lord to punish the sins..

Or you too laugh at this corruption that has unwind?

I am none I humbly confess

You are the Might, put it to rest!

But why Play and why Change?

Be ‘that’ God and I’ll take the blame.

Back inside, I come and think

But still I hear and you call me (with a wink)

I donot love you anymore, sad

But again I fall and again so bad

So beautiful and still so strong

I bet there is, just no wrong!

But you are different

much the extremes!

And it’s Raining again

And (hope you hear that), my silence SCREAMS!!


  1. you had me totally engrossed.. making and destroying images.. feeling with the words.. totally impressive

  2. really good work. i completely agree with ladynimue!

  3. thank you both ... appreciate :)

  4. cant appreciate enough...way too good....!

  5. Very rare pieces of work keep me adhered for this much long. This is the one which held me very strongly till the very end. Outstanding use of words and commendable flow of thoughts. I wish I could read more of things flowing from your pen..
